BOCRA, as the Registry of the (.bw) domains, would like to notify the public that following the stakeholder consultation in September 2020, new domains have been introduced into the .bw domain namespace. The (.bw) domain names are identifiable with Botswana, safe and secure. The new domains, listed below, will be introduced with effect from 1st March 2021:
1. shop.bw
shop.bw domain name provides an opportunity to facilitate growth of the e-commerce market. The shop.bw will provide end users with assurance and confidence that they are buying from reputable and registered shops in Botswana. Only licensed shops in Botswana will be allowed to register shop.bw domain name.
2. agric.bw
agric.bw domain names are intended to facilitate market access for farmers and are reserved for companies involved in trading of agriculture products. Only Agric companies can register agric.bw domain name.
3. me.bw
me.bw gives an individual a unique identity and helps people to build personal brands online. With me.bw, your name can be used as your domain name as shown: